A total of 25languages are supported: Korean, English, Chinese (Traditional/Simplified), Spanish, French, Japanese, Arabian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Thai, Turkish, Tagalog, Dutch, Swedish, Malay, Polish, Czech, Swahili and Finnish
Flitto's translation platform can handle various different translation requests and translations, including text, voice, image, and video.
You can immediately receive highly accurate translation results based on vast language data. Similar translations done by other translators are also shown together.
Requests for simple text, voice, or image translations can be sent to the 1 million translators who have passed Flitto's independent translator tests. The cost is calculated based on the number of characters for the original source text. Purchased points can be conveniently used at any time.
This is a service where 1:1 translation requests are sent directly to professional translators, offering results that are more professional and consistent compared to crowdsourced translations. Requests can be made in various file formats, and profiles for proven professional translators in each field are available for review and selection. As the service links the requester directly with a translator, the translator can send his/her desired quote and the requester can use the professional translation service without overblown costs.
This is a service that allows menus to be easily created in 25 languages at a low cost through the app. Anyone can easily look at the translated multi-lingual menus by scanning the unique QR code issued for each place. One advantage here is that continuous maintenance (such as adding or deleting menu items) can be handled through the Flitto app.
A total of 25languages are supported: Korean, English, Chinese (Traditional/Simplified), Spanish, French, Japanese, Arabian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Thai, Turkish, Tagalog, Dutch, Swedish, Malay, Polish, Czech, Swahili and Finnish
Flitto's translation platform can handle various different translation requests and translations, including text, voice, image, and video.
You can immediately receive highly accurate translation results based on vast language data. Similar translations done by other translators are also shown together.
Requests for simple text, voice, or image translations can be sent to the 1 million translators who have passed Flitto's independent translator tests. The cost is calculated based on the number of characters for the original source text. Purchased points can be conveniently used at any time.
This is a service where 1:1 translation requests are sent directly to professional translators, offering results that are more professional and consistent compared to crowdsourced translations. Requests can be made in various file formats, and profiles for proven professional translators in each field are available for review and selection. As the service links the requester directly with a translator, the translator can send his/her desired quote and the requester can use the professional translation service without overblown costs.
This is a service that allows menus to be easily created in 25 languages at a low cost through the app. Anyone can easily look at the translated multi-lingual menus by scanning the unique QR code issued for each place. One advantage here is that continuous maintenance (such as adding or deleting menu items) can be handled through the Flitto app.
A total of 25languages are supported: Korean, English, Chinese (Traditional/Simplified), Spanish, French, Japanese, Arabian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Thai, Turkish, Tagalog, Dutch, Swedish, Malay, Polish, Czech, Swahili and Finnish
Flitto's translation platform can handle various different translation requests and translations, including text, voice, image, and video.
You can immediately receive highly accurate translation results based on vast language data. Similar translations done by other translators are also shown together.
Requests for simple text, voice, or image translations can be sent to the 1 million translators who have passed Flitto's independent translator tests. The cost is calculated based on the number of characters for the original source text. Purchased points can be conveniently used at any time.
This is a service where 1:1 translation requests are sent directly to professional translators, offering results that are more professional and consistent compared to crowdsourced translations. Requests can be made in various file formats, and profiles for proven professional translators in each field are available for review and selection. As the service links the requester directly with a translator, the translator can send his/her desired quote and the requester can use the professional translation service without overblown costs.
This is a service that allows menus to be easily created in 25 languages at a low cost through the app. Anyone can easily look at the translated multi-lingual menus by scanning the unique QR code issued for each place. One advantage here is that continuous maintenance (such as adding or deleting menu items) can be handled through the Flitto app.
Flitto's B2B offerings are divided into language data service and corporate translation service.
Go to Business PageWe are selling diverse and refined language data that includes text, speech, and image data established through our translation platform to domestic and international clients. Over 80,000 translation requests per day are 100% reviewed and utilized as data. We have established the industry's largest language DB. When necessary, data generation is possible through crowdsourced translations. Language data establishment and sales are available for specific fields upon request. Language data establishment and sales are available for specific fields upon request.
For large-volume translations over KRW 1 million per month, or if systematic management of translation terms are necessary, please contact the Flitto professional translation team. We provide high-quality translations based on the use of proper vocabulary and appropriate phrasing according to local cultures. With our strict adherence to delivery deadlines, over 2,400 global companies are already using Flitto's business translation services. We also provide automated solutions in which Flitto's translation platform can be freely utilized through the integration of our API.
Flitto's QR Place service provides translations for places that require them. Anyone can easily look at the translated multi-lingual menus or signboards by scanning the QR code. The QR Place function of the Flitto app can be used to translate menus into 25 languages, and continuous maintenance (such as adding or deleting menu items) can be handled through the app.
Flitto's B2B offerings are divided into language data service and corporate translation service.
Go to Business PageWe are selling diverse and refined language data that includes text, speech, and image data established through our translation platform to domestic and international clients. Over 80,000 translation requests per day are 100% reviewed and utilized as data. We have established the industry's largest language DB. When necessary, data generation is possible through crowdsourced translations. Language data establishment and sales are available for specific fields upon request. Language data establishment and sales are available for specific fields upon request.
For large-volume translations over KRW 1 million per month, or if systematic management of translation terms are necessary, please contact the Flitto professional translation team. We provide high-quality translations based on the use of proper vocabulary and appropriate phrasing according to local cultures. With our strict adherence to delivery deadlines, over 2,400 global companies are already using Flitto's business translation services. We also provide automated solutions in which Flitto's translation platform can be freely utilized through the integration of our API.
Flitto's QR Place service provides translations for places that require them. Anyone can easily look at the translated multi-lingual menus or signboards by scanning the QR code. The QR Place function of the Flitto app can be used to translate menus into 25 languages, and continuous maintenance (such as adding or deleting menu items) can be handled through the app.
Flitto's B2B offerings are divided into language data service and corporate translation service.
Go to Business PageWe are selling diverse and refined language data that includes text, speech, and image data established through our translation platform to domestic and international clients. Over 80,000 translation requests per day are 100% reviewed and utilized as data. We have established the industry's largest language DB. When necessary, data generation is possible through crowdsourced translations. Language data establishment and sales are available for specific fields upon request. Language data establishment and sales are available for specific fields upon request.
For large-volume translations over KRW 1 million per month, or if systematic management of translation terms are necessary, please contact the Flitto professional translation team. We provide high-quality translations based on the use of proper vocabulary and appropriate phrasing according to local cultures. With our strict adherence to delivery deadlines, over 2,400 global companies are already using Flitto's business translation services. We also provide automated solutions in which Flitto's translation platform can be freely utilized through the integration of our API.
Flitto's QR Place service provides translations for places that require them. Anyone can easily look at the translated multi-lingual menus or signboards by scanning the QR code. The QR Place function of the Flitto app can be used to translate menus into 25 languages, and continuous maintenance (such as adding or deleting menu items) can be handled through the app.