PayPal cash-out
PayPal cash-out
PayPal cash-out
- Minimum points : 357,500 P

- Duration: Requests made this week (Mon ~ Sun) will be gathered to be processed within 3 business days of NEXT week, after reviewing your translations.
e.g.) Order on Tuesday -> Send on next Wednesday.

*Cash-out will be canceled if points are gained fraudulently. (machine translation, inaccurate translation, multiple accounts, etc.)

*Purchased points are ONLY for translation requesting, NOT for the Flitto store.
Point table
You can only cash out every 357,500 Points.

357,500P = $250
715,000P = $500
982,500P = $750
1,430,000P = $1,000
- A PayPal account is required for cash-out.
Please check whether you finished all the necessary account validation processes of PayPal. (e-mail and credit card or bank account verification).

- Only dollars will be used when cashing out through PayPal.

- We do not take responsibility for incorrectly providing PayPal email.

- Please note that PayPal cash-out may not be available in some countries.
Check for more information from the website.
<< Guideline for Event participant >>

For the event cash-out, you can find it on the Store page ( after login.


<< Holding Status on PayPal >>

Please update your shipping information first and remind us 3 days after.


<< Guideline for Korean and Residents in Korea >>

소득세법에 따라 세법상 거주자로 분류되는 개인은 소득세 납부 의무가 있으며, 페이팔이 아닌 본인 명의의 원화 계좌를 통해 주문하셔야 합니다.
은행 송금 주문 방법은 아래 링크를 복사-붙여넣기하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
[은행 송금] Cash-out: